Lee’s Pain Was So Severe
He often could not sleep at night and could no longer continue to do the activities in life he loved, such as golf and working out, so bad was the pain.
A 59 year-old Fargo businessman man recently found himself confronted with an all too common torn rotator cuff diagnosis and a difficult decision – endure the pain or risk the surgery. Lee’s pain was so severe he often could not sleep at night and could no longer continue to do the activities in life he loved, such as golf and working out, so bad was the pain. Frustrated and desperate, he tried several cortisone injections, which offered only temporary relief. Finally, an MRI showed a rotator cuff tear, his Mayo Clinic doctor recommended surgery as his last option to repair the damage.
Frustrated and desperate, he tried several cortisone injections, which offered only temporary relief. Finally, an MRI showed a rotator cuff tear, his Mayo Clinic doctor recommended surgery as his last option to repair the damage.
Unwilling To Take The Risk Of Surgery
Concerned about the lengthy recovery process of surgery, Lee researched alternatives and discovered Prolotherapy, a regenerative cure to chronic joint pain, and Dr. George Kramer, one of only 40 MD’s in the country certified to treat patients with Prolotherapy by the AAOM.
After only 3 treatments he saw an 80% improvement!
Delighted, Lee improved enough to return to the gym and his once daily workouts. After further Prolo treatment to his thumb, he was also able to play golf again. This remarkable recovery was one of many topics discussed with Dr. Kramer during a radio program interview with Fargo station KFGO this past June. To hear that interview go to www.georgekramermd.com.