In late November 2010 Dr. Kramer administered first Prolozone injection into my left hip. This initiated a series of monthly treatments for a hip that had been diagnosed with moderate to advanced arthritic deterioration. I was a candidate for hip replacement surgery after seven or more years of painful struggles that had gnarled my hip, leg and posture toward a stoop. With a wheelchair in my not-too-distant future, I was thrilled to find Dr. George Kramer.
During our first consultation Dr. Kramer prescribed weekly physical therapy treatments to exercise my hip joint and loosen tight muscles, ligaments, and tendons. For the first time in my life, never having stuck to any exercise plan, I actually performed the therapist’s exercises….usually as often as prescribed. The three of us (Dr. Kramer, my physical therapist and I) have made a grand team. In four short months we’ve performed miracles on what I’d feared was a hopeless condition.
Dr. Kramer’s first Prolozone injection made a huge difference! For one thing, I hobbled into the office but limped back to the car. Also, at that first appointment, lying on my back, I was unable to straighten my left leg without extreme pain. However, the next morning my left leg straightened and I was able to lay flat onto the mattress. After four months I can now lie on my mattress and literally flop my straightened left leg onto it. I also know I’m walking with a stride rather than a hobble or a limp.