I originally came to Dr. Kramer because I had excruciating pain in my right toe that was preventing me from walking. I’d been to three podiatrists/orthopedists, each who had a different diagnosis and none of which seemed all too certain of how to treat it, which is when I began looking for alternatives and discovered Dr. Kramer and Prolotherapy.
At my first appointment Dr. Kramer was able to diagnose (without x-rays) that it was likely a joint problem and not a bone problem as I had been led to believe. He asked that I not be on any pain killers for a week before the injection if I could stand it because that would improve the results of the Prolotherapy. I told him there was no way I’d make it for a week w/out painkillers. So he did the first series of injections that day and I agreed to stop painkillers that day if I could. Less than three days later I was walking with very little pain and using NO painkillers! I subsequently returned for 6 visits and the pain in my foot/leg is virtually non-existent.
It makes such a wonderful difference in your life not to be in pain every single moment of every day.